May 22 is International Day for Biodiversity. It’s a day that has been set aside by the United Nations to celebrate biodiversity on the earth. Biodiversity is so important that without this concept and ideology, there will be no life on earth. When God created the earth, He made various life forms which include plants, insects, land animals, aquatic animals, terrestrial animals and human beings. All these life forms can be found on land, water and in the air. So, then biodiversity can be defined as the variation or the variability of life on earth. And there are different types of biodiversity namely: genetic biodiversity which occurs within species. Secondly, there is species biodiversity which occurs between species. Then, finally we have the ecosystem biodiversity which is between ecosystems. The three levels of biodiversity are also genetic biodiversity, species biodiversity and ecosystems biodiversity. These, however, explain the variability or variation of life ...