Last week, I wrote about the root causes of global warming and climate change, which are mainly migration, urbanization and overpopulation. The second major root cause is deforestation. Deforestation is the indiscriminate removal of vegetation and forest cover from the earth’s surface. As more and more trees and plants are cut down for building and construction purposes, the atmosphere and environment suffers greatly. Trees and plants give out oxygen while they inhale or take in carbon dioxide. Human beings on the other hand, breathe out carbon dioxide and inhale oxygen. So, you see, there is an interaction between plants and humans. What they exhale is what we inhale, while what they exhale is what we inhale. Therefore, the need to have adequate vegetation cover in the form of grass, shrubs, flowers and trees in our immediate environment can’t be a overemphasized. The presence of green plants contributes immensely to public and individual health. Secondly, cons...