We all know that the #atmosphere has become unbearably hot during summer and the dry season. Those in the western world who are just coming out of the summer season can attest to that. While those of us in Africa are gradually approaching the dry season again in a very short while. These drastic #weather changes are a result of the green house effect. Now, the #green house effect is the warming of the earth’s surface and the air above it. This is caused by gases in the air that trap radiant energy from the sun. The #gases which trap heat are called green house gases. Water vapor is one of the most common type of green house gas. Others are carbon dioxide and #methane. These #green house gases absorb and emit radiant energy within the thermal infra red rays. Also there are #ozone and nitrous oxide gases. The rest are emitted as a result of human activity.
#Global warming is a long term rise in the temperature of the earth’s climate system which is an aspect of climate change shown by temperature measurements and by multiple effects of this warming. And so therefore, it is apparent that the activity of the green house gases has had and is still having an adverse effect on the earth’s surface temperature. We can accurately define climate change as changes in the earth’s climate system resulting in weather patterns that last for at least a few decades and maybe for millions of years. This #climate system comprises of five interactive parts-the atmosphere, #hydrosphere, cryosphere, #biosphere and #lithosphere.
#Global warming is a long term rise in the temperature of the earth’s climate system which is an aspect of climate change shown by temperature measurements and by multiple effects of this warming. And so therefore, it is apparent that the activity of the green house gases has had and is still having an adverse effect on the earth’s surface temperature. We can accurately define climate change as changes in the earth’s climate system resulting in weather patterns that last for at least a few decades and maybe for millions of years. This #climate system comprises of five interactive parts-the atmosphere, #hydrosphere, cryosphere, #biosphere and #lithosphere.
Now, like I mentioned earlier on, the green gases are namely methane, carbon dioxide and water vapor. As more of these gases trap radiant energy from the sun consistently, the earth’s surface becomes warmer and warmer by the second and minutes, and eventually hours which in turn culminate in a long term rise of earth’s surface temperature resulting in a change in temperature of the earth’s climate system. The underlying causes of global warming are the green gases.
Furthermore, the activities of green house gases have long term effects. For example, ocean acidification is caused by increased atmospheric concentration of #carbon dioxide gas. Another effect is the long term melting of ice sheets which has contributed largely to a rise in sea levels and consequently flooding of coastal areas on the globe. And as more #ice sheets melt, #evaporation has increased, and has led to increased levels of rainfall on the earth’s surface and more humid conditions.
Gas flaring of #petroleum gas is another major cause of global warming. In this case, carbon compounds are released into the atmosphere thereby increasing surface temperatures and the air above it as green gases continue to trap radiant energy from the sun. Surface temperatures increase and subsequently the weather becomes hotter than usual. Yet another cause is the indiscriminate removal of vegetation cover such as trees and plants which are supposed to absorb carbon dioxide and use it up in the photosynthesis process.
Lastly, the effects of air pollution cannot be overemphasized. Pollution of the air is the major cause of the green house effect. Through air pollution from indiscriminate bush burning, poisonous gases from the exhaust pipes of old and rusty cars and lorries which ply major and minor roads; land pollution from inadequate solid and liquid waste management practices, green gases are introduced into the atmosphere which now trap the heat from the sun, and the resultant effect is #global warming and #climate change.
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