We all know that the #atmosphere has become unbearably hot during summer and the dry season. Those in the western world who are just coming out of the summer season can attest to that. While those of us in Africa are gradually approaching the dry season again in a very short while. These drastic #weather changes are a result of the green house effect. Now, the #green house effect is the warming of the earth’s surface and the air above it. This is caused by gases in the air that trap radiant energy from the sun. The #gases which trap heat are called green house gases. Water vapor is one of the most common type of green house gas. Others are carbon dioxide and #methane. These #green house gases absorb and emit radiant energy within the thermal infra red rays. Also there are #ozone and nitrous oxide gases. The rest are emitted as a result of human activity. #Global warming is a long term rise in the temperature of the earth’s climate system which is an aspect of climate change shown...