a 100 percent which ever way you want to call it, that my world has been plagued with sleepless nights concerning issues and grave matters of the environment. I often wonder how a full grown man or woman can litter their environment with used recharge card bills, already eaten corn cobs, empty water sachets, empty food packs etc.
It beats my imagination sometimes at the crude manner in which people pollute the very land God gave them for peaceful habitation, work and play. How can one find peace in a dirty, smelly and littered environment? How can one appreciate God’s ingenuity, creativity, and blessings in the same environment He gave you to dwell in, when you with your own hands destroy it? This is beyond politics now for real; or who is and isn’t in power. The average Nigerian needs to wake up and smell the coffee, and accept responsibility for the wrongs we find done to the environment. The time has come for each and everyone of us to own up and do something positive to ensure the environment is cleaned up, managed and conserved.
To a large extent I am glad that the environmental department of the local government council where I reside is taking giant strides in this regard. But this is still not enough. What’s the point sweeping the streets of debris and the next morning the whole streets are steeped in dirt full of the same debris that was cleaned up the previous day? To me it’s an absurd case of negligence on the part of the inhabitants and passers by as well as lack of well planned environmental policing measures which have not been put in place to ensure crude pollution of our immediate environment is tackled and completely stopped. Employing the use of environmental scouts to monitor and police the environment will help instill the culture of cleanliness and sanity in the lives of the indigenes in every town, city and state in the country. This also goes for other African countries still battling with the land pollution problem.
However, let us all in retrospect think of how and do our own tiny little bit by keeping our own space clean and ensure we trash our waste in the most appropriate manner, so we can help conserve the environment from pollution of all categories: land, air, and water. Global warming is a growing problem that has come in to existence by our own doing. We must do our own bit to ensure that the earth we live on now doesn’t collapse around us on our watch!

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