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Showing posts from June, 2019

The Time Is Now!

For a while now my concerns about my immediate environment has hiked feverishly a 100 degrees or   a 100 percent which ever way you want to call it, that my world has been plagued with sleepless nights concerning issues and grave matters of the environment. I often wonder how a full grown man or woman can litter their environment with used recharge card bills, already eaten corn cobs, empty water sachets, empty food packs etc.  It beats my imagination sometimes at the crude manner in which    people pollute the very land God gave them for peaceful habitation, work and play. How can one find peace in a dirty, smelly and littered environment? How can one appreciate God’s ingenuity, creativity, and blessings in the same environment He gave you to dwell in, when you with your own hands destroy it? This is beyond politics now for real; or who is and isn’t in power. The average Nigerian needs to wake up and smell the coffee, and accept responsibility for the wrongs we fin...